“State of Israel” has nothing to do with Judaism. Actually Israel is the biggest enemy of Jewish people. That is why Albert Einstein refused to be the first President of the State of Israel. Many Jewish people also think like Einstein and emphasize the spiritual cohesion of Jewish nation.

Prosperous Jewish communities within Europe and spiritually alive Muslim communities around Europe have always been considered as “problems” by European Christians. And to “solve” these problems European Christians did “Holocaust” and launched crusades.  However, after the 2nd world war, leadership of Christian world was transferred to non-European powers and the “brilliant British mind” decided to “kill two birds with one stone”. They created the State of Israel and solved both problems. The brilliant British mind “outsourced” crusades to Jews and “assigned” Muslims to do the Holocaust, in return. Unfortunately, the majority of Jewish leaders accepted this “solution”. Albert Einstein understood the real motive behind the British plan to  put “ALL” Jewish people in a most dangerous position in Palestine and this is why he even refused to meet greedy politicians.

Before the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, Saddam Hussein secretly transferred his chemical weapons to Syria. Sooner or later, these chemical WMD will reach the control of “some splinter rebel group” of fighters in Syria who will be in position to launch these WMD into Israel. Albert Einstein foresaw this 77 years ago. Greedy politicians do not see it even now, unfortunately.

Israeli secret service “Mossad” knew that the 7th October 2023 attack was a “false-flag operation” by the KGB to divert attention from the Ukraine war.  That is why, in March 2024, Mossad organized a revenge “false-flag” attack on a concert in Moscow.  However, the greedy politicians saw an opportunity to make more money by getting more work (of the “outsourced crusade”). And now we have this mess.  Let us hope this ends without another holocaust !!!

  • Einstein’s Prediction

    Did Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) know Saddam Hussein (1937-2006)                                           In 1948, Albert Einstein, in a letter to a Jewish organization, predicted a “real and final catastrophe” for Jewish people in Palestine. Saddam Hussein…